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Frequently asked questions
Nothing in the body uses more energy than digestion, especially when it comes to digesting food such as; refined fats and sugars, overly processed foods and meats - especially red meat. People are continuing to choose to eat foods that are hard for the body to digest and also overeat (junk foods, drug-like foods and over-use of cooked foods etc). Most of our available energy is being used up battling with digesting these “food” choices, this leaves us feeling tired, lethargic and energy depleted.
Choosing juice doesn’t mean you have to stop eating solid food. One would only ever solely have juice on a cleanse for a health detoxification program, or to kick-start a weight loss regime for a short period of time.
Incorporate juicing into your life by supplementing your current diet or use it as a replacement for one or more of your meals.
Recommended for the morning before any solids, as our bodies are still coping with the nighttime cleansing and renewal process. The less you can load on your body's energy supply the better.
Drinking a juice comprised of fruits, vegetables, or a mix of both first thing, will allow the body to continue its cleanse and give you quickly absorbed and quickly available energy throughout the morning. Juice can be digested and replenished by your cells within roughly 15 minutes of consumption, it’s the ultimate quick fix!
In very serious cases, juicing is used to nourish the body in times of extreme illness when there just is not enough energy available for the digestion process. Juicing has been used in terminal illnesses to reverse the progression of the illness, the theory being that total nutrition will enable the body to heal itself.
Well, why don’t we just eat it? But we don’t and that’s the problem and reason there is so many health issues that are so sadly prevalent today.
Juicing is an excellent way to consume raw fruits and vegetables, which one may not ordinarily choose to eat.
By juicing all the ingredients you can replenish the body with the best vital vitamins, minerals and enzymes in a very easy and simple way.
Juicing makes it available, enjoyable and effective! It is nature’s fast food, easily drunk, quickly and effortlessly absorbed and easy to fit into most people’s busy lives.
We do absolutely need fibre in our diets, but if we were to consume the now 10 portions of fruits and veggies suggested, we would most likely find ourselves feeling pretty uncomfortable and needing a toilet very close by!
It is important to know that fibre cannot actually be absorbed by the body, it cannot pass through the intestinal wall. Its purpose is to act like a binder so that the food we eat is more easily digestible. It also acts like a broom sweeping out toxins and waste from the body.
The misconception is juice has no fibre, this is not true. Juice carries soluble fibre that helps with the removal of stuck toxins. In high water-content juices, the insoluble fibre works best at flushing out this unwanted waste.
So as long as you are incorporating solid healthy live foods in your diet along with juices, you will have all the fibre your body needs to work efficiently. Many people find that the inclusion of freshly extracted juices actually helps the condition and function of the colon and leads to more frequent and softer, bulkier bowel movements. The chlorophyll in the green is excellent for helping the health of the intestinal surface.
Juice doesn’t have to be about weight loss, although if you are carrying extra weight from bad eating habits and a poor lifestyle, then yes you will undoubtedly shift that weight fast when having a diet high in live juices.
As I mentioned above, the juice will clear out any waste products and toxins that have gotten stuck in your intestinal tract. Also, it will replenish and feed your cells what they actually require, so you no longer have to eat as much or overeat on rubbish food choices, trying desperately to satisfy that hunger for live nutrient-dense foods.
Juicing is also for optimal health, even gaining weight, working out and getting the best and healthiest results.